
Showing posts from June 18, 2017

Stephen Hawking: Humanity Only Has 100 Years Left on Earth Before Doomsday

   Humanity Only Has 100 Years Left on Earth Before                                                            Doomsday   BY:- stephen Hawking ESCAPING EARTH Ov er the past century or so, humanity has accomplished a great deal of innovation. We learned to fly (at least with the help of airplanes), built huge machines, cured diseases, and developed computers, the Internet, and smart devices. At the same time, we’ve caused our fair share of destruction, too: in the form of several wars — two of which were world wars — and, of interest as of late, man-made  climate change . Now, renowned physicist Stephen Hawking thinks we have 100 years left before doomsday — and we need to get off Earth long before that comes to pass. This isn’t the first time   Hawking has given a doomsday prediction . In recent years, he’s warned about how super  artificial intelligence  (AI) would end humankind and how  contacting extraterrestrial life would go bonkers for humanity . Then in November of la


The term “black panther” may be applied to several types of great cat, but in the   Amazon it refers to jaguars. Not a separate species, but a rare color variant, black jaguars are powerful hunters and play a vital role within their ecosystem. Like all jaguars, these carnivores are masters of ambush, and it is thought that their dark color adaptation might aid these cats in their hunting. Unfortunately, like all jaguars, this color variation of the species is just as susceptible to threats like habitat loss.                                                                           These jaguar are mainly found in the area's   the  equatorial rainforest  of  Malaya  and the  tropical rainforest  on the slopes of some African mountains such as  Mount Kenya . They are also common in  Java , and are reported from densely foreste area of  southwester  China,  Myanmar ,  Assam and  Nepal , from  Travancore  and other parts of southern India where they may be more numerous than


1959  "Class" by Chubby Checker peaks at #38 1961  Beatles record Aint She Sweet, Cry for a Shadow, When the Saints Go Marching In, Why, Nobody's Child & My Bonnie, in Hamburg 1963  "Little" Stevie Wonder (13) releases "Fingertips" 1972  "Man of La Mancha" opens at Beaumont Theater NYC for 140 performances 1973  George Harrison releases "Living in the Material World" 1976  "Godspell" opens at Broadhurst Theater NYC for 527 performances


World Music Day 2017 And The Story Behind :- NEW DELHI:   Fete de la Musique or World Music Day 2017 (not to be confused with International Music Day) is being celebrated today, June 21, marking the beginning of summer solstice, i.e., the longest day of the year. Initiated by France in 1982, World Music day has been adopted by over 120 nations across the world, including India. Today, musicians from all genres and all ages, amateurs and experienced performers, gather together to perform at various public places. Mostly conducted in open arenas such as streets, parks, gardens, stadiums, stations or halls, all concerts and performances are free and can be attended by anyone.                                              History Behind World Music Day :- The concept of a united day for musicians to mark summer solstice was first proposed by American artiste Joel Cohen back in 1976. But it was France that first incorporated World Music Day as a day of national importance, whic


CONSERVATION ISSUES :- The house sparrow has evolved with humans, known only to live in close contact with us, instead of forests. For years, it has peacefully coexisted with us in our buildings and gardens, but in the last two decades, their population is on the decline in almost every city. The reasons attributed are: rapidly changing cities are no longer a suitable habitat for the house sparrow, as the new and modern designs of infrastructure does not give any room for the sparrow to nest; pollution caused by microwave towers and pesticides; the house sparrow loses its foraging grounds (natural grasslands) as the green spaces in our cities give way to more concrete constructions. Relationships with humans :- Sparrows may be the most familiar of all wild birds worldwide.  Many sparrow species commonly live in agricultural areas, and for several, human settlements are a primary habitat. The Eurasian tree and house sparrows are particularly specialised in living around human


sparrows  are a  family  of small  passerine     birds ,  Passeridae . They are also known as  true sparrows , or  Old World  sparrows , names also used for a particular  genus  of the family,  Passer  and in hindi the  sparrow called as Gauriya .   these birds are of the beauty of house as these birds use to live in house were humans live . these birds are mainly found urban areas . The male and female are easily distinguishable, not in size but in coloration. The male is dark brown, with a black bib, grey chest and white cheeks, whereas the female is light brown throughout its body, with no black bib, crown or white cheeks. It is a social species, found in groups of eight to 10, chirping and chattering to communicate with each other. True to its love for urban spaces, the house sparrow is known to nest in buildings, finding crevices and holes in walls, or at best, using the bird houses and nest boxes put out by humans in their gardens. It feeds mostly on seeds, but in the bree