Stephen Hawking: Humanity Only Has 100 Years Left on Earth Before Doomsday
Humanity Only Has 100 Years Left on Earth Before Doomsday BY:- stephen Hawking ESCAPING EARTH Ov er the past century or so, humanity has accomplished a great deal of innovation. We learned to fly (at least with the help of airplanes), built huge machines, cured diseases, and developed computers, the Internet, and smart devices. At the same time, we’ve caused our fair share of destruction, too: in the form of several wars — two of which were world wars — and, of interest as of late, man-made climate change . Now, renowned physicist Stephen Hawking thinks we have 100 years left before doomsday — and we need to get off Earth long before that comes to pass. This isn’t the first time Hawking has given a doomsday predict...